

A good wine is one that’s been protected from oxidation. This process plays an important role in order to avoid browning in wines and the loss of fruity aromas.

The most effective traditional method of controlling the enzymatic and microbiological activities responsible for oxidation in wines is by using sulfur in wine: specifically, adding sulphur dioxide in wine making provides both antioxidant and antiseptic protections.

This is a microbiological protection technique used for keeping down indigenous yeasts and bacteria, reducing oxidation, maintaining the sensory characteristics of the wine and inhibiting the development of faults or diseases caused by contaminants.

Perdomini-IOC produces and offers wine antioxidants and sulfur additives for wine: specific  antioxidants powders or liquids for wine, must and grapes, sulfites containing potassium metabisulfite for wine and stabilizers against unexpected refermentation.

When it comes to combating wine oxidation using natural means, we offer a number of hi-tech antioxidants for wine making to reduce oxidation in must or wine, and at the same time to preserve the sensory qualities of the product, such as the natural additive NoOx.

Check out the range of Perdomini-IOC antioxidants and sulfur additives for wine.



Oxyless range – targeted antioxidants for wine, must and grapes


Other sulfiting additives for wine making and microbiological stabilizers


 What is sulfur dioxide in wine and how it’s used in wine making

An issue that worries many consumers is not knowing why sulfur dioxide is present in wine. Sulphur dioxide or SO2 naturally develops as sulfites during wine making and fermentation, in very low concentrations and without posing any risk for human health.

With powerful antioxidant and preservative effects, sulphur dioxide in wine is a useful tool for avoiding unwanted development of bacteria and yeast, reducing oxygen in the wine, making the must more limpid and vibrant and improving the overall shelf-life of wines.

During the winemaking process, it often proves necessary to add sulfur dioxide to the wine or, more often, to add potassium metabisulfite to wine, in order to act more strongly against both wine oxidation and wine contamination.

The legal limit of sulphur dioxide in wine is governed by specific regulations: differing amounts of sulfites can be added to white, red, rosé and even organic wines. The smaller the amount, the less side effects caused by sulfur in wine such as headaches.

Nevertheless, making sulfur free wines or low sulfur wines is possible; this expression means that no sulfur is further added to wine on top of the total sulfur dioxide already present in the product (that is why many wineries use the term “no added sulphur”).

The Low SO2 Solutions range from Perdomini-IOC has been designed with this aim in mind.
It includes an assortment of additives and alternative methods to sulphur dioxide, allowing winemakers to produce wines without sulphur dioxide or with very low quantities.

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