•   Goal of the inovation

More and more winemakers are looking to move away from animal-based products in response to strong demand from the Vegan market. While there is no shortage of alternatives to casein (including vegetable proteins and chitosan with our QiTM range), options for replacing gelatin are still rare. This reflection has led to the development of VINOFINE ROUGE, an innovative complex formula validated as part of a research project led by SudVinBio, IFV and IOC, and co-financed by the Occitanie region.



VINOFINE ROUGE is an innovative alternative to traditional animal fining agents (gelatin, albumin) composed of specific vegetable proteins. This is the result of IOC’s research and was validated as part of a research project conducted by SudVinBio, IFV, IOC, co-financed by the Occitanie region, aimed at testing non-animal fining solutions for organic red wines. It was the subject of a rigorous selection process for raw materials and a multifactorial validation: time of addition, doses, scale of implementation and diversity of matrices.

This precise and successful work has made it possible to develop a viable vegan solution to the problems faced by many winemakers.

VINOFINE ROUGE improves the turbidity and filterability of wines, as well as the organoleptic characteristics by reducing astringent and vegetal finishes.


  • How VINOFINE ROUGEis made?

VINOFINE ROUGE is the result of a rigorous selection of raw materials and a multifactorial validation: time of addition, doses, scale of implementation and diversity of matrices tested. The multiple oenological parameters studied (colour, TPI, clarity, filterability, sensory analyses) enabled us to confirm its effectiveness compared with reference gelatin treatments. Ultimately, this new fining agent, composed of plant proteins (potato and pea) and bentonite, gives similar results in terms of clarification, and even better results in terms of sensory aspects for refinement fining.



  • Clarification objectives

Improving the clarity, filterability and stability of the wine
Early treatment
Higher dosage: 8 to 15 g/hL

  • Sensory objective

Refining the wine, reducing astringency and vegetal flavours
Late treatment
Lower Dosage: 2 to 8g/hl


Clarification of wine in the early phase

Used in early fining VINOFINE ROUGE has a clarifying function: it reduces turbidity and improves the filterability of wines. It also ensures a better stability of the coloring agent thanks to the removal of polyphenols likely to precipitate it.


Refinement of organoleptic characteristics in the late phase

 As a late treatment, VINOFINE ROUGE improves the sensory quality of wines by reducing bitterness, astringency, and vegetal notes. The results show an efficiency comparable to gelatin.



The timing of treatment with VINOFINE ROUGE depends on the objective:

      • Clarification objective, improving the filterability and stability of the wine early fining, after alcoholic and malolactic fermentation of the wine.
      • Sensory objective, refining the organoleptic characteristics of the wine fining in the late phase, before bottling.



      • Vegetable proteins (potato and pea)
      • Bentonite


VINOFINE ROUGE is compatible with BIO, VEGAN vinification and is guarantee allergen-free.